All Asanas From newest to oldest

No.11 - 2010-11-28
Virabhadrasana - Pose of the Warrior

No.10 - 2006-11-14
Yoga Mudra - Seal of Intent

No.9 - 2006-11-14
Matsyasana - The Fish

No.8 - 2006-11-14
Halasana - The Plough and Sarvangasana - Shoulderstand

No.7 - 2006-11-14
Bhujangasana - The Cobra

No.6 - 2006-11-14
Dhanurasana - The Bow

No.5 - 2006-11-14
Salabhasana - Locust

No.4 - 2006-11-14
Uddiyana Bandha - Stomach Lift

No.3 - 2006-11-14
Chakrasana - The Bridge

No.2 - 2006-11-14
Paschimotanasana - Forward Stretch

No.1 - 2006-11-14
Ardha Matsyendrasana - Spinal Twist

2006-11-14 - Ardha Matsyendrasana - Spinal Twist

The Spinal Twist requires a maximum torsion of the vertebral column (rotating one vertebra over the other the full length of the spine).
his brings energetic stimulation and massage to the sensory, motor and visceral nervous roots (central nervous system) revitalising all three systems.
Begin the TWIST with the right thigh pressing against the abdomen, stimulating PERISTALTIC action in the intestines, diminishing constipation.
The large intestine, liver and right kidney are stimulated during the first half of the exercise and the spleen, pancreas and left kidney during the second half.
In the lumber region, the muscles are stimulated with the result that their stretching and contracting isometrically heightens distribution of blood; working upwards, the contracted liver and spleen are toned.
Shoulder movement becomes freer and muscles of the neck gain strength.

1. Sit with your back straight and legs stretched out in front of you.
2. Draw knees up till feet are flat on the floor.
3. Bend left leg and place under right leg, press left knee to floor.
4. Step your right leg over your left knee. Elongate the spine.
5. Turn towards the left and raise your left arm shoulder height; stretch it up beside the ear, then either take it over the back of the right knee and lay the arm along the thigh, or take the hand back to grip the right ankle.
6. Inhale and, stretching up, lengthen the spine. Turn towards the right and raise the right arm shoulder height. Take it around behind you and place it to the floor behind your back. Stretching up with the whole torso, gently twist to look over the right shoulder (Fig.1).
7. Raise the right arm shoulder height and bring it around to the right side and lower to the floor.
8. Releasing the left arm, bring it up beside the ear, lower it to shoulder height then to the floor. Release the legs.
9. Repeat to the other side.
10. Lay down and relax.

Physical Benefits:
Massages internal organs. Realigns vertebrae and relieves tension. Gives a lateral pull to the pelvic region.

Mental Benefits:
Creates a flexible open mind. Uplifts and reduces depression. greater ability to cope emotionally.

Developed by Arran4; Designed by Spencer Davies Design Group Pty Ltd;
Copyright The Harmony School of Yoga 2003-2004; Admin login