The Latest 10 Asanas

No.11 - 2010-11-28
Virabhadrasana - Pose of the Warrior

No.10 - 2006-11-14
Yoga Mudra - Seal of Intent

No.9 - 2006-11-14
Matsyasana - The Fish

No.8 - 2006-11-14
Halasana - The Plough and Sarvangasana - Shoulderstand

No.7 - 2006-11-14
Bhujangasana - The Cobra

No.6 - 2006-11-14
Dhanurasana - The Bow

No.5 - 2006-11-14
Salabhasana - Locust

No.4 - 2006-11-14
Uddiyana Bandha - Stomach Lift

No.3 - 2006-11-14
Chakrasana - The Bridge

No.2 - 2006-11-14
Paschimotanasana - Forward Stretch

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2006-11-14 - Yoga Mudra - Seal of Intent

YOGA MUDRA - Seal of Intent

Mudra means mystic seal. A seal of intent - focussing on a one-pointed way of thinking.
Mudras balance and harmonise.
Mudras are always done three times: firstly for yourself, secondly for others and thirdly for the Infinite.

Mental Benefits:
Mudras balance, harmonise, centre and heal, bringing a harmonious union of mind and body.

Physical Benefits:
This mudra opens and cleanses as it exercises the lungs.

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